My Story
Paul set-up Measurability in 2006. He has 20 years of experience across Outplacement, Interview Coaching, CV Writing, and Recruitment, both UK and Ireland. On top of this, he was a former Founder of Eden Recruitment, and worked with SHL.
Paul has a Degree in Business Studies, Diploma in Business Coaching, and extensive SHL training – Psychometrics Testing and Competency Based Interviewing. He is certified by BPS.
Paul is an Outplacement Consultant and Career Coach. And, he has experienced jobs, recruitment and careers from all angles – as an employer, job seeker, Recruitment Consultant, HR Consultant and Career Coach. Therefore, this vast experience makes Paul a rounded career expert. Paul has been Career Doctor with the Irish Independent and Sunday Tribune, and career expert with RecruitIreland. He regularly comments in the media and radio. Need Outplacement or Career Services contact us.
Our experience
Paul has worked across all industry sectors. And, he has supported organisations through redundancy, with professional outplacement services. Paul has helped organisations recruit the right people via psychometric testing solutions. Need Outplacement or Psychometric Testing services contact us.