Interview Coaching | ACE your next interview
Interview Coaching Ireland
““The interview coaching session was excellent, and highlighted areas to concentrate on before and during interview. And, I’d recommend Paul’s one to one coaching to those who want to get the job.” Lorna
Interview preparation is the key to landing more job offers. Unfortunately, most job seekers lack understanding or knowledge when preparing for interviews. To rectify this, expert interview coaching will help. Do you want to know key strategies for effective interview preparation?
Our Service
We provide 1-1 coaching, interview preparation and advice. Our service can help job seekers at all levels and across industry sectors. And, we support job seekers nationwide – Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway. 1-1 coaching programmes are tailored to meet individual needs. Of note, we offer interview preparation and interview advice in the following areas:
- Firstly, how to improve your confidence and overcome nerves
- Secondly, understanding employer needs (what the customer wants!)
- And, how to identify your unique selling points
- How to handle difficult interview questions
- Understanding competency based interviews
- Also, how to improve body language
- And, finally, how to chase feedback, negotiate salary, or manage counter offers
Meet the Interview Coach
Paul Mullan is a leading Irish Interview Coach. And, he has supported job seekers with interview preparation for 20 years. Paul regularly presents at career events in Ireland. On top of this, he provides media commentary, and offered regular career advice in Sunday Times and Irish Independent. Lastly, Paul is a career expert for RecruitIreland. If you want to find out more information about Paul Mullan

CV Expert
Paul Mullan is a recognised CV Expert, and has helped many job seekers through innovative CV design. Paul has extensive CV knowledge, from his diverse background. This includes, Owner/Director of Eden Recruitment. Additionally, Paul was Career Doctor for Irish Independent and The Sunday Tribune. And, CV expert for RecruitIreland, writing CV related articles. Also, he regularly comments on CV related topics in national media

For more information about our interview coaching service or to book a session call 0871223308 or contact us.

“Paul listened to my questions and made sure I was prepared for my first and second interviews. Talking to him helped me not to be as nervous as I normally would be.”