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It is possible to pay for our services online, through our third party handler , Here you can pay from your PayPal account or via your credit card. Payment will be directly to PayPal, and none of your details will be store on our website. PayPal is a secure and trusted online payment processor. If you have any questions please get in contact.
Read what clients said about our services.
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CV Expert
Paul Mullan is a recognised CV Expert, and has helped many job seekers through innovative CV design. Paul has extensive CV knowledge, from his diverse background. This includes, Owner/Director of Eden Recruitment. Additionally, Paul was Career Doctor for Irish Independent and The Sunday Tribune. And, CV expert for RecruitIreland, writing CV related articles. Also, he regularly comments on CV related topics in national media

For more information about our interview coaching service or to book a session call 0871223308 or contact us.

“Paul listened to my questions and made sure I was prepared for my first and second interviews. Talking to him helped me not to be as nervous as I normally would be.”