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Essential Job Search Advice | Networking

NETWORKING: It is not about you…

You are NOT the important one! Only kidding, you are No.1 😉

An interesting story from a guy who organised networking events

He stopped a networking event after 10 mins

He asked the room (150 people) two questions

‘Put your hand up if you’re selling something today?’

Every person in the room put their hand up

‘Put your hand up if you’re buying something today?’

Not one person put their hand up

Important lessons, whether online or real-world networking

★ Put your ‘elevator pitch’ away

★ Take a genuine interest in others

★ Ask how you can help others

★ Follow though, and help others

Whatever you send into the universe you get back

Networking is a critical strategy for any successful job search. Of note, 2 out of every 3 jobs don’t get advertised, they are hidden. So, if you are not engaged in proactive job search strategies, like networking, you may struggle. Remember, those advertised jobs you see are low hanging fruit, everyone else can see them, everyone can easily apply for them, meaning HUGE competition. Proactive is harder, but can deliver juicier rewards or outcomes

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